The Cortical Computation Group
How does thinking work?
How does the cortex compute?
What happens in the brain wetware to produce thoughts?
This is one of today's great frontiers in science.
Neuroinformatics is the study of the information processing methods
of neural systems, including understanding them through creating our own
systems based on the same principles.
For all that it can do, science does not yet know how to make machines do computations
similar to the computations done with ease by animal brains.
By experimenting with cortically inspired architectures,
we hope to gain an understanding of how such computation can occur.
In our group we have three main research directions:
(1) exploring styles of computation that have similarities to how brains get things done,
(2) showing that simple models of computation are as powerful as standard ones,
and (3) reverse-engineering the brain by automating the analysis of electron microscope
images of brain tissue.