Institute of

The Cortical Computation Group

Current Members

Matthew Cook
Renate Krause (PhD)
Vanessa Leite (PhD)
Xander Nedergaard (PhD)
Ethan Palmiere (PhD)


Thanuja Ambegoda (PhD)
Roman Bauer (MSc)
Martin Boerlin (MSc)
Jakob Buhmann (PhD)
Julia Buhmann (PhD)
Miguel Chau (MsC)
Peter Diehl (PhD)
Niels Eckstein (PhD)
Jan Funke (PhD)
Dennis Göhlsdorf (PhD)
Arno Granier (MsC)
Florian Jug (PhD)
Sepp Kollmorgen (MSc)
Christoph Krautz (PhD)
Julien Martel (PhD)
Moritz Milde (PhD)
Lorenz Mueller (PhD)
Turlough Neary (PostDoc)
Jason Rolfe (PhD)
Johannes Thiele (MSc)

Name Email Phone Addr. Office
Matthew Cook mc (*) 53097 (A,C) Y55 G90
Renate Krause rekrau (++) 53051 (A) Y55 G75
Vanessa Leite vanessa (++) 53051 (A) Y55 G85
Alexander Nedergaard aneder (++) 53051 (A) Y55 G85
Ethan Palmiere epalmi (++) 53051 (A) Y55 G79

(*) =
(**) =
(+) =
(++) =

Phone from outside Switzerland: +41 44 63 xxxxx
From the US, for example, dial "011" where it says "+".
Phone within Switzerland: 044 63 xxxxx

(A) = Winterthurerstr. 190
         CH-8057 Zurich
(B) = Universitätstr. 6
         CH-8092 Zurich
(C) = Mail Stop 136-93
         California Institute of Technology
         Pasadena, CA 91125
     Office: Moore 204